United against blood cancer
HSV and 21 other football clubs are supporting DKMS in the fight against blood cancer.
Every 15 minutes, a person in Germany is given the devastating diagnosis of blood cancer - many of them children and young people, whose only chance of a cure is a stem cell donation. This situation has been further intensified due to the current Coronavirus pandemic: as regular type identification campaigns are currently not possible at large events, registrations throughout Germany have plummeted.
That is why HSV, together with 21 other football clubs from Germany’s top two divisions, want to use the publicity of our sport to promote the fight against blood cancer. We would like to draw your attention to the stories of each and every blood cancer patient and ask you:
Registration is straight forward and free of charge: You can order your registration kit from the German Bone Marrow Donor Centre (DKMS) here. With the supplied cotton swabs, you take a swab from your cheek tissue and return it to the DKMS along with a completed consent form. Your test results will be saved and made available anonymously for the worldwide patient search database. You can find more information about exclusion criteria, registration and stem cell donation here.
In addition to registering as a potential donor, you can also support DKMS with a monetary donation, as the registration of a new donor alone costs the DKMS €35.