Tickets for a Group Order
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Not Available |
For the ongoing 2024/2025 season, we will again offer group tickets. We usually offer this option from the General sale for the respective home match. The current presale dates for our home matches are listed here.
As soon as group tickets can be requested, we will also note this on this page.
Request form for groups for our home games
On this page you will find our group form for our HSV home games. If you have any questions, please contact our HSV hotline 040/4155-1887 or on
What do I have to pay attention to when booking a group?
- The group form will not be online until the start of the free advance sale..
- Group requests must exceed the maximum order quantity of the match.
- A binding booking is only made when we confirm it.
- A maximum of 50 tickets per match can be ordered.
- Children's tickets are valid up to and including 14 years of age.
Note on the "Group block" selection field in the enquiry form:
In the so-called "group block", we have reserved tickets for groups of children and young people and their companions. If your group consists mainly of adults, please do not select the tickets in the "group block" in the form. Tickets will only be processed for the intended target group.
Would you like an offer for tickets including hotel accommodation in Hamburg for your group?
You can find all the information on our various travel packages here or we will be happy to advise you by phone: 040/4155-1347. You are sure to find the right package for your group.