Football School
Partner clubs of the HSV Football School
To complete our football camps in 120 different locations, we rely on the help of some excellent partner clubs.
Camps will be taking place at the following clubs:
Our International Partners:

Cooperation with the Danish Sports Agency (https://www.danishsportsagency.dk/)
- Since 2010, we have been hosting a weekend camp on the holiday island of Funen
- Since then, other locations have been added. Such as Odense, Grasten.
- The expansion of the locations is planned for the near future
Cooperation with the German Youth Association for Northern Schleswig (https://djfn.dk/)
- Since 2020 we have been training at the Knivsberg educational centre. Participants coming from further away can stay there very well. The large facility offers excellent training opportunities

Cooperation with UMSPORAKADEMI UMUT MURÇAK (https://www.hsvfootballschoolturkey.com/).
- Main location is in Bursa
- Training started there in 2021
- Weekly training sessions are offered. The resulting team regularly participates in tournaments and point matches
- The expansion of the locations is ongoing. Another location was opened in Bursa at the beginning of April 2022. Another is planned in Ankara at the end of April
Collaboration with Chang Shi Sky Sports & Technology Ltd.
- Weekly training has been running since 2018
- Most recently we have trained in two Chinese provinces
- Due to the Covid situation, training is currently on pause and is scheduled to resume in 2023
Location | Partner clubs | Since | Homepage |
Hamburg | |||
21033 Hamburg | ASV Bergedorf 85 | 2017 | |
21037 Hamburg | SC Vier- und Marschlande | 2016 | |
21075 Hamburg | Harburger TB | 2009 | |
21079 Hamburg | FSV Harburg-Rönneburg | 2018 | |
22083 Hamburg | USC Paloma | 2018 | |
22089 Hamburg | SC Eilbek | 2018 | |
22145 Hamburg | Meiendorfer SV | 2017 | |
22147 Hamburg | Rahlstedter SC | 2017 | |
22159 Hamburg | Farmsener TV | 2018 | |
22397 Hamburg | Duvenstedter SV | 2011 | |
22397 Hamburg | Lemsahler SV | 2017 | |
22529 Hamburg | Eintracht Lokstedt | 2012 | |
22559 Hamburg | Rissener SV | 2016 | |
22589 Hamburg | SV Blankenese | 2017 | |
22763 Hamburg | Teutonia 05 | 2018 | |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | |||
17491 Greifswald | Greifswalder FC | 2011 | |
18190 Sanitz | Union Sanitz 03 | 2015 | |
19075 Lübtheen | Lübtheener SV | 2017 | |
19075 Pampow | MSV Pampow | 2006 | |
19243 Wittenburg | Wittenburger SV | 2012 | |
19258 Boizenburg | SG Aufbau Boizenburg | 2017 | |
23936 Grevesmühlen | FC Grevesmühlen | 2017 | |
Niedersachsen | |||
21217 Fleestedt | TuS Fleestedt | 2011 | |
21218 Hittfeld | Eintracht Hittfeld | 2010 | |
21220 Ramelsloh | MTV Ramelsloh | 2017 | |
21244 Sprötze | SG Estetal | 2016 | |
21255 Wistedt | SV Wistedt | 2015 | |
21261 Welle | TV Welle | 2018 | |
21266 Jesteburg | VFL Jesteburg | 2010 | |
21279 Hollenstedt | FC Este 2012 | 2006 | |
21339 Lüneburg | VfL Lüneburg | 2008 | |
21335 Lüneburg | MTV Treubung Lüneburg | 2018 | |
21357 Bardowick | TSV Bardowick | 2016 | |
21376 Salzhausen | SG Salzhausen Garlstorf | 2012 | |
21391 Reppenstedt | TuS Reppenstedt | 2009 | |
21423 Scharmbeck-Pattensen | SG Scharmbeck-Pattensen | 2007 | |
21423 Winsen Luhe | TSV Winsen | 2010 | |
21436 Elbmarsch | Eintracht Elbmarsch | 2013 | |
21438 Brackel | MTV Brackel | 2016 | |
21614 Hedendorf | VSV Hedendorf Neukloster | 2007 | |
21629 Neu Wulmstorf | TVV Neu Wulmstorf | 2010 | |
21635 Jork | TuS Jork | 2006 | |
21647 Moisburg | MTV Moisburg | 2011 | |
21680 Stade | JFV Stade e.V. | 2016 | |
21698 Harsefeld | TuS Harsefeld | 2016 | |
21702 Ahlerstedt | SV Ahlerstedt Otterndorf | 2007 | |
21706 Drochtersen | SV Drochtersen/Assel | 2008 | |
21717 Deinste | Deinster SV | 2007 | |
21762 Otterndorf | TSV Otterndorf | 2014 | |
26725 Emden | SV Blau-Weiß von 1920 Emden-Borssum | 2012 | |
27383 Scheeßel | Rot-Weiß Scheeßel | 2017 | |
27389 Fintel | TuS Fintel | 2012 | |
27404 Heeslingen | Heeslinger SC | 2013 | |
27404 Zeven | TuS Zeven | 2018 | |
27432 Iselersheim | TSV Iselersheim | 2010 | |
27478 Cuxhaven | TSV Altenwalde | 2012 | |
29328 Faßberg | ASV Faßberg | 2016 | |
29456 Hitzacker | TSV Hitzacker | 2007 | |
29553 Bienenbüttel | TSV Bienenbüttel | 2007 | |
29565 Wriedel | TSV Wriedel | 2013 | |
29576 Barum | MTV Barum | 2018 | |
29646 Bispingen | SG Bispingen-Hützel-Steinbeck | 2007 | |
29664 Walsrode | Germania Walsrode | 2011 | |
34346 Hann. Münden/Hemeln | TSV Jahn Hemeln | 2016 | |
37534 Badenhausen | FC Westharz | 2015 | |
49201 Dissen | TSG Dissen | 2015 | |
49733 Haren-Wesuwe | FC Wesuwe | 2013 | |
49751 Werpeloh | SV Werpeloh | 2012 | |
Sachsen-Anhalt | |||
39619 Arendsee | Arendseer Raute/Altmark | 2015 | |
Schleswig-Holstein | |||
22145 Stapelfeld | VSG Stapelfeld | 2018 | |
21465 Wentorf | SC Wentorf | 2016 | |
21493 Schwarzenbek | SC Schwarzenbek | 2007 | |
21502 Geesthacht | FSV Geesthacht | 2017 | |
21514 Büchen | Büchen-Siebeneichener SV | 2010 | |
21521 Aumühle | TuS Aumühle-Wohltorf | 2007 | |
22113 Oststeinbek | Oststeinbeker Sportverein | 2010 | |
22880 Wedel | Cosmos Wedel | 2010 | |
22885 Barsbüttel | Barsbüttler SV | 2006 | |
22925 Großensee | SSV Großensee | 2018 | |
22926 Ahrensburg | Ahrensburger TSV | 2008 | |
22949 Ammersbek | Hoisbütteler SV | 2018 | |
22962 Siek | SV Siek | 2011 | |
22967 Tremsbüttel | Vfl Tremsbüttel | 2006 | |
23562 Lübeck | SV Fortuna-St. Jürgen | 2015 | |
23611 Bad Schwartau | VfL Bad Schwartau | 2010 | |
23627 Groß Grönau | TSV Eintracht Groß Grönau | 2017 | |
23701 Eutin | TSV Fissau | 2011 | |
23730 Neustadt (Holstein) | TSV Neustadt | 2017 | |
23758 Oldenburg in Holstein | Oldenburger SV | 2011 | |
23769 Fehmarn | SV Fehmarn | 2010 | |
23812 Wahlstedt | SV Wahlstedt | 2010 | |
23827 Wensin | TuS Garbek | 2016 | |
23843 Travenbrück | Tralauer SV | 2015 | |
23858 Reinfeld | Preussen Reinfeld | 2007 | |
23863 Bargfeld Stegen | Bargfelder SV | 2011 | |
23879 Mölln | Möllner SV | 2011 | |
23881 Breitenfelde | Breitenfelder SV | 2008 | |
24214 Neudorf Bornstein | TSV Neudorf-Bornstein | 2007 | |
24220 Flintbek | TSV Flintbek | 2012 | |
24232 Schönkirchen | TSG Concordia Schönkirchen | 2010 | |
24306 Plön | TSV Plön | 2010 | |
24340 Eckernförde | Eckernförder SV | 2017 | |
24536 Neumünster | SV Tungendorf | 2012 | |
24576 Bad Bramstedt | Bramstedter TS | 2018 | |
24594 Hohenweststedt | MTSV Hohenwestedt | 2011 | |
24616 Brokstedt | TSV Brokstedt | 2018 | |
24628 Hartenholm | TuS Hartenholm | 2018 | |
24782 Büdelsdorf | FT Eider Büdelsdorf | 2011 | |
24857 Fahrdorf | FC Haddeby | 2010 | |
24943 Flensburg | Flensburg 08 | 2006 | |
24980 Schafflund | SSV Schafflund | 2006 | |
25348 Glückstadt | ETSV Fortuna Glückstadt | 2010 | |
25358 Horst | VfR Horst | 2013 | |
25368 Kiebitzreihe | Rot Weiss Kiebitzreihe | 2016 | |
25436 Tornesch | FC Union Tornesch | 2014 | |
25421 Pinneberg | VfL Pinneberg | 2011 | |
25436 Heidgraben | Heidgrabener SV | 2012 | |
25469 Halstenbek | SV Halstenbek Rellingen | 2011 | |
25482 Appen | TuS Appen | 2016 | |
25524 Itzehoe | FC Itzehoe | 2005 | |
25541 Brunsbüttel | BSC Brunsbüttel | 2006 | |
25560 Schenefeld | TS Schenefeld | 2012 | |
25746 Heide | Heider SV | 2012 | |
25761 Büsum | TSV Büsum | 2009 | |
25785 Sarzbüttel | SSV Sarzbüttel | 2010 | |
25821 Breklum | Germania Breklum | 2010 | |
25832 Tönning | Tönninger SV | 2007 | |
22952 Lütjensee | FSG Südstormann | 2019 | |
25996 Wenningstedt | Sport-Club Norddörfer Sylt | 2015 | |
Thüringen | |||
99734 Nordhausen | Wacker Nordhausen | 2013 | |
Dänemark | |||
5600 Fünen/Dänemark | Horne FS | 2010 | |
Turkey | |||
Bursa/Turkey | 2021 |