Fan Clubs
Official Fan Clubs Abroad
If wanting to find a fan club abroad or found your own, all the information can be found here!
The heart of HSV is our fans who support us all across the globe, no matter who the opponent or if they're getting up in the middle of the night to watch a game. It doesn't matter if you're a Hamburg expat, have moved to another country for work or are simply a HSV fan looking for like-minded people outside of Germany, there's nothing nicer than getting to know fellow HSV fans in a foreign land or your home country. Particularly when first moving abroad it can provide that much needed boost, getting to know people straight away who you have something in common with. In the list and on the map below you can find where all of our OFCs are dotted around the globe. Write to them, arrange to meet up and you're sure a warm welcome. If there isn't a fan club where you are, think about founding your own! You can find all the information to start your own fan club here.