Responsible within the meaning of the Telemedia Act and the State Media Treaty: | |
Publisher: | |
HSV Fußball AG Uwe-Seeler-Allee 9 22525 Hamburg | Phone: (+49)40 4155-1887 Fax: 040 4155-1234 E-mail: info@hsv.de |
Authorised representatives: Two members of the executive board together or one member of the executive board together with one proxy or two proxies together |
Executive board: Dr. Eric Huwer, Stefan Kuntz HSV Fußball AG, Uwe-Seeler-Allee 9, 22525 Hamburg |
Authorised signatories:: Cornelius Göbel, Daniel Nolte, Marieke Patyna, Dr. Philipp Winter HSV Fußball AG, Uwe-Seeler-Allee 9, 22525 Hamburg |
Commercial register of the district court of Hamburg: HRB 47576 |
VAT Identification Number: DE118717273 |
Responsible for the content (according to the press law): Christian Pletz (Leader of Business Unit Communications) HSV Fußball AG, Uwe-Seeler-Allee 9, 22525 Hamburg |
Administration: Lars Wegener (Head of Digital & Media) |
Site editors: Marco Anspreiksch, Thomas Huesmann, Fabian Maltzan, Lutz Kramer, Simon Jötten |
Pictures: WITTERS GmbH Sportfotografie Bilser Straße 57 22297 Hamburg |
Data services: Perform Media Deutschland GmbH Betastraße 9a 85774 Unterföhring Homepage: www.optasports.de |
Technical implementation: brandung GmbH & Co. KG Vogelsanger Straße 76 50823 Köln Telefon: +49 221 913920 0 Fax: +49 (221) 91 39 20-29 E-Mail: info@brandung.de Website: www.brandung.de |
Responsible for the advertisements on the site |
Johannes Haupt (Senior Director Team HSV) SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH, Barcastraße 5, 22087 Hamburg, Germany |
Contact:Phone: (+49)40 / 4155-2000 E-mail:de.HSV@sportfive.com |
Copyright |
All rights reserved. In particular reproduction, recording of content, as well as excerpts of content, using online services as well as duplication via data storage devices such as CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMS etc. may only take place after written agreement with HSV Fußball AG/SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH.
No liability can be taken for manuscripts that are sent in unsolicited. When handing over manuscripts and pictures to the editorial team, the author grants the right to publication to HSV Fußball AG/SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH. Acknowledged pieces of work are transferred to the right to disposal of HSV Fußball AG/SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH. Names of products are used without guarantee of free disposal. |
External links |
HSV Fußball AG/SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH has included hyperlinks to other internet sites on the club's own website. HSV Fußball AG/SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH makes it clear, that HSV Fußball AG/SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH has no input on the composition and content of the linked pages. Therefore, HSV Fußball AG/SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH distances itself from all content on external pages that are linked via the website but are not stored on the server of HSV Fußball AG/SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH. This explanation applies for all shown links and for all content of the sites which are linked to via banners and links from HSV Fußball AG/SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH. |
Alternative dispute settlement |
Consumers can use the EU's online platform http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ for online dispute settlements via the external link. HSV is not obliged, but in principle willing, to take part in an alternative dispute settlement. |
Please note |
For reasons of linguistic simplicity and enhanced readability, not all genders forms are explicitly named on this website. Terms such as 'Zuschauer' (spectator) and 'Teilnehmer' (participant) are used in a gender-neutral form. |