HSV and Popp Feinkost extend partnership until 2024
Popp Feinkost has been HSV's exclusive and sleeve partner since 2017. The partnership has now been extended until summer 2024.
Popp Feinkost GmbH has been the exclusive and sleeve partner of Hamburger SV since the start of the 2017/18 season. The reliable business relationship has now been extended for another two years.
Local ties and a history rich in tradition stand for the common ground between Popp Feinkost GmbH and Hamburger SV. "HSV is proud to have Popp Feinkost as a reliable sleeve partner at its side right from the start. The extension of the partnership with the northern German company is symbolic of the stable path taken by Hamburger SV," says Dr. Thomas Wüstefeld, CEO of HSV Fußball AG.
And Alexander Schmolling, Head of Marketing at Popp Feinkost GmbH, is also delighted about the contract extension: "As a long-standing sleeve partner of HSV, the extension of our successful partnership is a significant, sustainable step for us and a commitment to the region. We are pleased that our brand awareness has visibly increased in recent years and that we can continue to consistently follow the path together with HSV side by side."
In addition to its presence on the sleeve of the HSV jersey, Popp Feinkost will be featured in the Volksparkstadion on stadium stands and Popp Feinkost fan seats. And: From now on, the partnership, which has been extended until the summer of 2024, will be strengthened by the new and exclusive Power Pack on the two LED stands. Further activations of the partnership will continue to take place as part of home match and fan events.
"We are pleased that we were able to convince Popp to extend the sleeve partnership and to continue the trusting cooperation with the acting persons over the next 2 years. HSV offers Popp a year-round, authentic and high-reach marketing platform in regional and national competition and also serves as a basis for entering into an emotional dialogue with HSV supporters," explains Tim Steinhaus, Vice President Regional & Team Sales at HSV marketing partner Sportfive.
A video on the extension of the partnership between Popp Feinkost and HSV is available here.
About Popp Feinkost:
Popp Feinkost GmbH, based in Kaltenkirchen near Hamburg, is the market leader in Germany in the field of chilled delicatessen salads and spreads with its Popp brand. The company was founded in 1920 and has been able to expand its expertise in the delicatessen market in the more than 100 years of the company's history. Since 2014, Popp Feinkost has increasingly relied on TV advertising, social media activities and events to increase brand awareness. Since the end of 2021, Popp has also been very successfully marketing three of its master salads as vegan variants.